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» News & Events

1 January 2018
Welcome 2018
New Year's Party: 2018 was great fun with Jujja Wieslander and Lennart Jonson among us. Fifty children attended the party which had lot of dancing and singing and goodies to binge on. Everybody went home with surprise gifts. Next day Jujja and Anandi read the latest story Mamma Moo Pretends to children. The week after that Arvind screened 'Mamma Moo' episodes from the books children have read and that was great fun!!

20 November 2012
Spreading the Warmth, Diwali 2012
Those of us who have been in Shitala know that the children very much need warm clothings, caps and socks! Onset of winter is an acute pointer to this need. So we appealed to all our young parents-friends to help us with some warm clothes for children, new or in a good condition. It was absolutely god sent that two ladies, Marie Coelho and Caroline Smart, from Goa made a generous, colourful contribution of 30 sets of woollen vests and ccaps knitted by them!! It was so delightful to see children picking up these clothes, trying them on and even posing for us...

14 May 2012
Novel Launch of Three Dutch Picture Books
We had a novel launch of three Dutch picture books Lali aur Uska Ghoda (Yonne Jagtenberg), Chitrakaar Ranaji (Leo Timmers), and Chhutku Gadha aur Yaku ka Janamdin (Rindhert Kromhout) in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Mukteshwar. The newly arrived books were distributed among the children a day earlier and the children spoke about them the next day i.e. 14th of May 2012. Ms Poonam Pande, Prinicipal of the school deeply appreciated the spontaneity of the children and expressed the hope that more such activities will be planned around books and reading in school!
    In the picture are the children of our new Reading Corner in village Soon near Shitala. This was started with the initiative of Shri Govind Chandra Bisht who didn’t want his village children to be deprived of the books, given the distance and the steep climb.

24 January 2012
Norwegian Books to Help Girls in India
NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) just published an article on the World Girl-Child Picture Books Project titled “Norwegian books to help girls in India.” Originally published in Norwegian (Click here for the English version), it’s to our eyes a very thorough and good article, with among other things the author Tyra Tronstad stating that they are thrilled to be part of the project. “Heroes in the Norwegian children's books to help Indian girls to achieve their dreams — an honour for us to be chosen,” says Tyra Tronstad, author of some of the Norwegian books translated and published in Hindi by A&A Book Trust. All reasons to be happy about this!

1 January 2012
Star Readers of the Year
We had a novel way of ringing in the New Year. On very the first day of this New Year, we had a small function outside our library for the ‘Star Readers of the year’. Tracing the books borrowed, and some pattern of growth in the reading abilities, the star readers were identified and honoured with prize books proportionate to books read during 2010-11. It was terribly chilly morning. Every child who came went home with a book of their own choice apart from the toffees of course! We will make this even more attractive and meaningful in the years to come.

12 December 2011
Pippi Longstrump for CanSupport
Pippi Longstrump joined our girl child special project in a very special way On December 12, 2011!! We welcomed the two utterly delightful picture books Pippi Lambe Moje and Pippi Pahunchi Park Mein in both Hindi and English amidst the children of CanSupport at the RK Puram centre, New Delhi. The books were launched by H E Lars Olof Lindgren, Ambassador of Sweden. The children enjoyed getting to know Pippi and her pranks. We also donated more than 100 books to CanSupport library which is in making!!

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